October 27 and 28, 2012
for all AKC Pointing Breeds
to be held at Slate River Farm
Dillwyn, VA
Hunt Test Premium (Word) / Hunt Test Premium (.pdf)
Comments from joint 2011 Hunt Test participants:
"Tacker said to tell you that all the birds are in the pine tree line along the road at the Wilderness site. I know, because he found them. All of them. One after the other. His little brain exploded from all the fun."
"It was a blast, 4 hunt tests, 2 days, NVBC should be very proud!"
2011 FALL HUNT TEST - A Success
Photo Album
On December 3-4, 2011, our club held a two day test with the WPC. Our entries were full and the weather was beautiful.
Huge thanks to Kat Shannon who was the secretary and generously offered her farm to hold the HT. Jill Wilkinson chaired the event and did a outstanding job. Kat did an outstanding job organizing, filing paperwork, getting judges and setting up. Jill kept the people and the dogs on the line to get all the dogs run.
We had two apprentice judges, Rhonda Cornum and Doug Welsh and several junior handlers, Will Ratliff with Brittany, Pen-E, Emily Lewis with GSP, Tillie, Clara Breeding with Brittany, Billy the Kid and Chloe Breeding with Brittany, Percy. Jill played a major role in getting several of the junior handlers involved. I watched a few of these handlers and they did outstanding jobs with their dogs.
Thanks to all the bird planters, Joe Hudgins, Stu (Kat’s Hubby), and Kenny Wilkinson. Special thanks to Bobbie Sigmund who marshaled, judged and gave us loads of input on how to put on the HT. We also had a silent auction in which I know many enjoyed participating. Kat, you outdid yourself and the club appreciates all your hard work.
Without a doubt this year’s Angel Award recipient goes to Kat Shannon. NVBC thanks her for all of her hard work in not only making the HT happen but resulting in being a huge success! - Joann Anders |